Start Date: September
Location: Prince of Wales Campus
Length: 2 Years
Credential: Diploma, Bioscience Technologist
Program Availability: Fall 2025 Term
Canadian Applicants: Open
International Applicants with a Valid Study Permit: Open
Other International Applicants: Open
Recipient of the 2020 Gold Program Excellence Award from ÎçÒ¹avs and Institutes Canada (CICan).
The Bioscience Technology program is the only one of its kind in the region. As a student, you will develop and hone your laboratory and scientific research skills. Throughout the program, you will learn natural product extraction, fermentation, and bacterial and animal cell culture skills and techniques. You will take part in six weeks of on-the-job training so that you can apply your skills in a real work environment. You will also focus on project-based learning and will complete an independent research project on a topic of your choice.
Students participate in events and seminars sponsored by the PEI BioAlliance and make site visits to local biotechnology companies.
Our program is very closely associated with the biotechnology and bioscience industries on PEI and is expanding its involvement to the other Maritime provinces.
On-the-job training is developed in consultation with our industry partners. Mentoring partners from both academic and industry sources prepare and submit a brief job description to the Bioscience Technology instructors. The students then review these descriptions and submit resumes for consideration by the mentoring partners of the projects in which they are interested. We then host a day of interviews at ÎçÒ¹av, where students and potential mentors are allotted 20 minutes to meet and discuss the projects. Each student must interview for at least three positions. At the end of the day, both the students and the mentoring partners rank their choices in order of preference.
Interviews for placements off-island can be conducted via Skype or FaceTime, or, if a student finds their own mentoring partner (potentially in his or her home province), the formal interviewing process is amended.
Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
ÎçÒ¹av and UPEI offer a joint Bachelor of Science degree. The technical lab-based content is covered at ÎçÒ¹av in the Bioscience Technology diploma program either during the first two years of the degree for students who start at ÎçÒ¹av or in Year 3 for students who start at UPEI. Find out more about the ÎçÒ¹av/UPEI Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology joint degree here.
The Bioscience Technology program is a CTAB (Canadian Technology Accreditation Board) nationally accredited program at the technologist level.
National program accreditation involves an independent team of certified professionals performing an extensive audit, which provides graduates and employers confidence the program meets the educational standards of Canada's engineering technology and applied science profession.
Graduating from a nationally accredited program creates an expedited path to becoming a certified professional with provincial certifying bodies in Canada.
This program has degree pathways, giving you the opportunity to receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma when you continue your education. For a complete list of agreements, visit the .
Partner Institution | Credential | Details of Agreement |
, Newfoundland | Bachelor of Technology | Graduates can complete the Bachelor of Technology with an additional 13 courses. This program may be completed on site or through distance education. |
, Charlottetown, P.E.I. | Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology | Graduates are granted up to 60 hours of credit toward a Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology degree. |
, Victoria, B.C. | Bachelor of Science | Graduates receive up to two years of credit toward a Bachelor of Science degree. |
, Saint John, N.B. | Bachelor of Applied Management | Graduates with a 70% average receive two years of credit toward a Bachelor of Applied Management degree. |
Tuition, fees, and other costs are listed in Canadian dollars. International tuition includes the International Student Fee.
Fees are Course Based
1st Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $5,907 | $11,907 |
Fees | $1,748 | $2,498 |
Other Costs | $1,030 | $1,030 |
Total | $8,685 | $15,435 |
2nd Year |
Canadian |
International |
Tuition | $4,622 | $9,722 |
Fees | $2,128 | $2,878 |
Other Costs | $100 | $100 |
Total | $6,850 | $12,700 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition | $5,907 | $4,622 |
Lab Fee | $1,000 | $1,300 |
Student Union | $178 | $178 |
Health Insurance Fee | $470 | $470 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $80 | $80 |
WHMIS | $20 | |
Graduation Fee | - | $100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $7,655 | $6,750 |
1st installment due first day of first semester (fall semester fees) | $3,820 | $3,499 |
2nd installment due first day of second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $3,835 | $3,251 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $930 | - |
Materials/Supplies | $100 | $100 |
Total | $1,030 | $100 |
Grand Total | $8,685 | $6,850 |
Tuition & Fees |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Tuition* | $11,907 | $9,722 |
Lab Fee | $1,000 | $1,300 |
Student Union | $178 | $178 |
Health Insurance Fee | $1,220 | $1,220 |
Fitness Centre Fee | $80 | $80 |
WHMIS | $20 | |
Graduation Fee | - | $ 100 |
Total payable to ÎçÒ¹av | $14,405 | $12,600 |
1st installment due first day of first semester (fall semester fees) | $10,570 | $9,349 |
2nd installment due first day of second semester (winter and spring semester fees) | $3,835 | $3,251 |
Other Costs |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
Books | $930 | - |
Materials/Supplies | $100 | $100 |
Total | $1,030 | $100 |
Grand Total | $15,435 | $12,700 |
*Includes the International Student Fee.
Many ÎçÒ¹av programs have degree pathway agreements with other post-secondary institutions. You can receive credit for your ÎçÒ¹av diploma toward a university degree or other post-graduate credential, saving you time and money! Find out more on the Degree Pathways page.
Course Code:SAFE-1005
An overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Prince Edward Island. Students examine the legislation, how PEI employees are protected while on the job and the responsibilities of employees and employers.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:BIOL-1300
A study of the organization, classification and structure of bacteria and other microorganisms. Students perform the basic techniques involved in observation, cultivation and identification of selected microorganisms.
Credit Value:6
Course Code:BIOL-1310
An examination of the principal components of the immune system and how they function to produce an immune response. Students perform immune-based techniques for the detection and quantification of organic compounds.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:BIOL-1320
Examination of the chemical composition and structural organization of DNA, and the process (and regulation) of gene expression are addressed. Students isolate DNA from various sources and perform PCR based techniques to amplify and identify DNA samples.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:BIOL-2300
Establish and maintain eukaryotic cell lines, following special requirements. Students become competent in all aspects of cell culturing.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:BIOL-2310
Perfect techniques to introduce foreign genes, regulate their expression, and identify and purify the resulting protein product using both prokaryotic and eukaryotic host systems. Students identify the appropriate host and vector combinations, as well as the advantages and limitations of various host systems.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:BIOS-1000
Follow good laboratory practices (GLP) while working with potentially harmful equipment and reagents. Learn basic scientific principles, and how to apply them in a laboratory setting.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:BIOS-1100
Overview of the principal means of identification and classification of members of the plant kingdom. Plant structure and the biochemistry of photosynthesis are covered. Plant tissue and cell types are studied and students culture, maintain and propagate plants in vitro.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:BIOS-2000
Conventional analytical methods such as gas chromatography and liquid chromatography will be compared to immunologically based methods and biosensors for qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological molecules. The sample preparation necessary for each type of analysis as well as the sensors used will be explored.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:BIOS-2010
Students explore the ethical issues surrounding bioscience technology and learn to develop and articulate ethical debates. Students become familiar with various laboratory and manufacturing certification programs and how to comply with them.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:BIOS-2110
Examination of industrially significant biotechnologies. Batch, continuous flow and fixed media reactor designs, downstream processing and refining of biological compounds are explored. Students participate in the entire production process, assessing how the critical steps of capture, purification and final polishing of biomolecules are achieved in production scale operations. Study of the equipment, materials and practices involved in commercial scale operations that use or produce biological elements. Material transport, scaling of unit operations, clean room practices and material properties will be explored. This course includes site visits to industrial production facilities.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:BIOS-2300
Preparation for conducting research projects. Students conduct a literature review and develop a project proposal in preparation for a research project.
Credit Value:1
Course Code:BIOS-2310
Students conduct an individual research project, based on research proposal developed in Research Preparation Bioscience Technology. The project entails designing and conducting the necessary research, compiling and reporting findings.
Credit Value:6
Course Code:CHEM-1000
A survey of general chemistry, starting with the properties of the basic elements and their chemical reactions and progressing to the behaviour of organic compounds. Students study acid/base chemistry, chemical equilibrium and reductive/oxidative reactions.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:CHEM-1200
An introduction to the design and operating principles of chromatographic techniques. Separations by gel electrophoresis, thin layer, and low pressure column chromatography are performed.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CHEM-1300
An examination of the structure and role of lipids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, amino acids, and proteins. Mechanisms by which organic molecules react will be studied. An emphasis on the role of functional groups in organic reactions and enzyme kinetics is made. The laboratory portion focuses on enzyme isolation and related enzyme kinetics.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:CHEM-2300
Recognizing the sources and methods of isolation and purification of molecules of pharmacological and industrial interest, students will isolate and test the biological activity of compounds from various sources. The production, purification and characterization of proteins will be emphasized, as will be the use of bioinformatic tools and databases to further understand genetic and protein sequences.
Credit Value:5
Course Code:COMM-1110
The vital role that communication plays in the science field will be emphasized in this course. The importance of accurate recording of laboratory and field activities as well as the ability to communicate findings to both the scientific and general communities will be stressed.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:COMP-1000
Students learn productivity software and explore digital environments with practical applications for various workplaces and educational institutions. The main areas of focus include word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, email and other electronic communication tools, various digital environments, and industry-specific applications.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:MATH-1200
This course in mathematics for applied science programs begins with an intensive overview of measurement, emphasizing both metric and imperial units, conversion of simple and derived units, proper treatment of significant digits, and techniques for handling measurement error. Following a review of algebra and Euclidean geometry (including many scientific calculator functions), the course will continue to apply mathematical skills to solve systems of two and three linear equations by means of graphic, algebraic, and determinant methods; derive and graph functions; and utilize factoring techniques to solve fractional and quadratic equations. The course will utilize trigonometric and vector analysis to solve practical problems involving angles in any quadrant, as well as right and oblique triangles. Finally, the relationship between exponents and radicals, and the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions will be applied to biotic systems.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:MATH-1300
Exploration of the essentials of statistical collection, analysis, and interpretation. Topics covered include the principles of statistical design, frequency distributions, descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency and dispersion, basic probability, standard normal distributions, linear regression and correlation, and a variety of statistical tests for goodness of fit, differences between means, and identification of outliers. Emphasis will be placed on the use of statistical software for data analysis.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:MATH-2000
An introduction to the theory and methods of differential and integral calculus. Topics covered include the concepts of continuity, limits, and the derivative as an instantaneous rate of change. Methods of determining derivatives will cover both algebraic and transcendental functions. Practical applications will emphasize maximum/minimum problems. Topics in integration will include both definite and indefinite integrals.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:NCPR-1002
Students complete Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training and certification.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:NCPR-1020
Students complete Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) certification training through UPEI.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:PRAC-2400
Students apply and improve skills acquired in the Bioscience Technology program in a work setting. They integrate themselves into a laboratory or industrial production environment that utilizes bioscience technologies. Students are exposed to the professional standards, routines and demands of an organization and are expected to add value through the application of their skills and abilities.
Credit Value:6